Fear vs Danger by Steve Zanella

Danger vs Fear

I want to be very clear about something; fear is not real but danger is. The reason this is important to understand is because the best way to overcome your fear is to face it. But knowing the difference between fear and danger could be the difference between you overcoming your anxiety and ending up in the emergency room. I never want anyone to ever do something that is going

realign anxiety habit building

How my chiropractor realigned my attitude on habits

  I sometimes suffer from back problems. Some people carry anxiety and stress in their shoulders, their stomach, their head or their back. I carried mine in all of the above. My anxiety combined with spending years hunched over a computer did a number on my back and spine. 10 years ago I started seeing a chiropractor recommended to me by a friend. Even though I was anxious about seeing

Overcome anxiety at work

End anxiety in the workplace with this one trick

  Note: This post also ran in The Huffington Post Healthy Living section on 1/25/16. You can view that post by clicking here. Dealing with anxiety and functioning in the world can be very challenging – especially when it comes to work. I have missed out on a lot of opportunities in my life, both personally and professionally, due to my struggles with anxiety. For me, nothing triggers my anxiety