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What I Learned About Being a Dad By Burying Mine

March 4th, 2020|Comments Off on What I Learned About Being a Dad By Burying Mine

I sat and held his warm yet lifeless hand in mine. The harsh, liquid-like, rattle of his breathing echoed off the pale yellow walls of the living room. I didn’t want to look at [...]

Regret is Poison

June 3rd, 2019|Comments Off on Regret is Poison

So, as some of you who follow me on other social media pages know, I've been experimenting with the keto diet and intermittent fasting for a while. I've seen great results and will continue [...]

Push or Pull — Which is stronger in your life?

May 29th, 2019|Comments Off on Push or Pull — Which is stronger in your life?

My wife thinks I'm obsessive... and she's right. When I get an idea or become motivated I throw myself into it completely. And that isn't exactly a bad thing. It's enabled me to do [...]

How to change your crappy life

May 24th, 2019|Comments Off on How to change your crappy life

I think one of the most difficult parts of trying to change your life is recognizing which parts need to change… and then being willing to change them. What I mean is, when we [...]