How to Get Comfortable with Feeling Uncomfortable

Who likes the feeling of being uncomfortable? I know I didn't! In fact, most of the people I know do everything in their power to avoid things that make them feel uncomfortable. But what if our desire to avoid that feeling is actually doing more harm than good? What if the key to [...]


Why Does Anxiety Get Worse Over Time?

Why does anxiety seem to get progressively worse as time goes on? At first, maybe you feel a little uncomfortable in certain situations and then it eventually gets so bad that you avoid those situations at all costs! In this video I talk about why anxiety gets worse over time and what you can do [...]


End anxiety in the workplace with this one trick

  Note: This post also ran in The Huffington Post Healthy Living section on 1/25/16. You can view that post by clicking here. Dealing with anxiety and functioning in the world can be very challenging – especially when it comes to work. I have missed out on a lot of opportunities in my life, both [...]

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