What I Learned About Being a Dad By Burying Mine

I sat and held his warm yet lifeless hand in mine. The harsh, liquid-like, rattle of his breathing echoed off the pale yellow walls of the living room. I didn’t want to look at him, but I couldn’t look away. This man, who once seemed larger than life, lay before me almost unrecognizable. Yellowish [...]


Orlando Nightclub Shooting Response

In light of the tragic events that took place in Orlando, Florida, I feel compelled to do something. Over the past 24 hours, I've watch people in the media, politicians, celebrities, family and friends fight back and forth over who is responsible, who we should blame, what we should do, how we should fix things, [...]


Finding Balance

“I need to find balance in my life.” This is a phrase we hear many times, from many different people. We’ve all said it. When we’ve felt overly stressed, lost, or frustrated. When our lives seemed to be spinning out of control or that we’ve traveling down a path we never expected to travel. We [...]

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